Tuesday, March 17, 2009



ご存知、BURNINGWITCHの前身バンドにあたり、1996年に活動していたアメリカのドゥームバンド。当時17歳だったノルウェー人のRUNHILDE GAMMELSAETER嬢が歌う地獄からの呻きに似た恐怖のボーカルに驚いたものです。1996年にリリースされた作品に、ボーナストラックとして貴重な当時のライブ映像を追加して再発されたCD。1998年リリース。全4曲入りで32分の収録。(ライブ映像は1995年に行われたもので34分の収録です)超邪悪ドゥーム。
Basically, after 2003 it's now "cool" to listen to metal or play D&D, according to the same fools who are walking around wearing Member's Only jackets and American Apparel, snorting up mountains of the devil's dandruff, sporting ironically-hip shit like moustaches, cornering hapless drunk girls at dance parties and forcing their cocks onto them. Being a fashionable coke-addled rapist is totally "DO" in Vice magazine and we have hipster culture to thank for that. I digress... Back in 1996 I was getting teased in high school for wearing a Slayer shirt and roleplaying during lunch. This is was recorded in 1996 when no one was playing doom metal because it wasn't cool yet and the future millionaires behind Southern Lord were in bar bands. That is, until a 17 year old high school exchange student from Norway came to the geriatric Norse neighborhood of Ballard, Seattle and became their singer. The vocalist of Thorr's Hammer (not to be confused with Polish NSBM band Thor's Hammer because apparently being Polish is the same thing as having Down's syndrome) Runhilde Gammelsæter has a voice with amazing bi-polarity. She can sing like Joni Mitchell or Glen Benton. On other recordings she is heard to screech, caterwaul and ululate like any manner of beast as well. This band is oppressively brutal, the songs center around a singular riff, glacial pacing and harsh, resonate sustain. Utterly dour, wintery sounds, evil. Thorr's Hammer got to play a couple shows in local taverns and record 3 songs in a studio before Runhilde had to return to the permafrost whence she came. The dudes of Thorr's Hammer went on to form Burning Witch (so good) next and eventually Sunn*, Goatsnake, Khanate, Teeth of lions blah blah whatever and several dozen other bands that sound more or less the same. Runhilde Gammelsæter later sang on a Sunn* song, a Khlyst record, put out a high-brow solo record of her own with help from an Ulver dude and finished her PHD, I'm told. There are also crazy rumors that she married someone from Emperor, Samoth as I heard it. Mortiis is definitely still single.
(former) 206 represent.


*capital O X1 + right parentheses X3

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