Tuesday, July 14, 2009



高円寺のSunRain Recordsに買うょ。
I would be loathe to say anything good about Shibuya "scene" bands, so I won't. Unless you consider Molice a part of that, because they are really, really good. Definately not 'Shibuya Kei'.
This is the first CD I've bought in 2009 (whoa, it's July already) and I was pogoing around in my apartment to track 8 "BIRI-BIRI" like a fucking poseur. Hooks, angular guitars and discotheque bass lines, it could be Joey Santiago with Peter Hook backed by smarting drums and hissing open-shut-open-shut high hats. I want to say that "front people" don't make bands, rather that entire bands make bands but this band is expenentially improved by Rinko's voice and persona. Imagine if (you can withstand it) Kathleen Hanna (circa Reject All American) accepts egg donation from Chrissie Hynde before fucking Iggy, Byrne, Joey and Thunders, having a baby in 1979 and it squirts out full-blooded Japanese. The paternity test results are up to you, but I can't seem to make a descriptive parable to describe her without involving sex since she exudes it like lasers from all erogenous zones.
Their sound is being lazily described like a revival of proto-punk/new wave but I don't believe either genre existed and if it ever did exist it never died so I will venture to risk calling them pop. Straight up, awesome, catchy, technical and quick in tempo, but still pop. The bass lines alone are reason enough for my ardor. To make local comparisons (perhaps very accurate) I'd say I hear equal parts Number Girl and Future/No Future era Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her and abroad they would be billed well between PIL and Joan Jett. The worst thing about this record is it wasn't pressed to vinyl and the jacket art is colostomy. Still, I believe that if (The) Molice are labelled Shibuya-Kei, then they are doing Shibuya a great service, firstly for being an actual 4 piece band with real instruments and also for their hint of "fuck you" attitude. Tokyo is a place that deserves all the "fuck you" it can get.

Remember: Pop music is of no consequence or effect. Just Dance.


Pee-esS: This album isn't yet widely distributed so in Tokyo it's likely easiest to get it at SunRain Records in Kouenji. Or from their site: themolice.com if you got credit.


  1. You seem to be a real fan. Can I ask why you're posting a link to where people can download it for free? The band hasn't made the money back on the initial 500 CDs it invested in.

  2. Hey, I downloaded this album just to check it out... and I liked it enough to order the real thing online! I wish ALL bands made their albums available to download for initial listening, for real fans of real music, if it's worth while we're gonna go BUY the LP/CD 'cause just having a shitty mp3 doesn't cut it!

  3. Well, I liked your review and I wanted to link it to the band's official site, but there's no way the band would ever allow that if the site had a download link that enabled people to get it for free.

    I appreciate the fact that you and LR bought the album and feel putting up less than CD quality mp3s helps promote the band. But that link will cut their sales regardless if you write "buy their music" or not. To think otherwise is naive and attacking me won't change it.

    I mention numbers to make the point that one unsold CD makes a difference to an unsigned, struggling band.

    I have no idea what a scene creamer is.

  4. Attack!

    Alright, good points all around. So I asked the band how they felt and fanboy was right. The band kindly asked that I desist. Now the link is gone, replaced by a silly video.

    I have no idea what a scene creamer is either. It sounds funny. Like jeans creamer. And referring to anything as a scene is like the new f word.

    Why Hudson Hawk is left unexplained/defended?

  5. Ok, we'll do that. You can't really be that upset about that, can you?

    Can't defend the name, but I will say that I use hudsonhawkjp
    because hudsonhawk was already taken.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This is what I'm hearing:

    >hudsonhawkjp: Ok, we'll do that. Speaking for the band on their behalf, unsigned = struggling, recordings = ¥¥¥, downloading = theft, art = product. Hudson Hawk is my favorite movie but I'm ashamed to admit it.

    >L.Reese: downloading = preview, because I'm likely to buy it. From myspace dot com.

    >CHAOTIC┼ИEUTRAL: I want everybody on either side of this free-download vs. capital dispute in my ass now. It's making me hot.

  8. All correct except I'm not ashamed to admit Hudson Hawk is my favorite movie and since Molice didn't say anything either way, I'm the only idiot.

    Make room and spare the lube.

  9. Amazing. What's more, since you had to add 'jp' to the end means you aren't alone in the universe.

    I'm betting the 'hudsonhawk' guy chose his name because his last name is Hudson and 'hawk' was his nickname at boot camp for sharking pee-pees at the barracks urinals and he is unaware there is a shit movie by the same title.

    Speaking of shit, I just finished making room. Climb on in.

  10. That's the funniest thing I ever read.
